IVF #4 day 3

Yep, no flies on me.  Period never came, had blood test, decided I was just about to ovulate, waited a couple of days and then began a long down-reg on May 3rd.  Lucrin until the cows come home.  Well, three weeks or so, anyway.  I am so good at these injections now, I only had one small bruise for the entire cycle last time.  None to report so far on this one.  Hoping the headaches stay away until after my party.  Hoping I remember to inject every day as I am a bit disconnected to this whole thing at the moment.  Signed the paperwork this morning and will post today.  Still undecided as to whether to do PGS or not.  Given they are (probably) going into surrogate, it makes sense to weed out the duds early and save her the miscarriages, but given we might not have many, should we risk damaging potentially normal ones by removing that extra cell?  Or risk chucking out a good embryo due to a false positive?  You know the risk of that is small, but remember, I do small risk EXTREMELY well.

My gut feeling is leave them alone.  My head says test them. The geneticist said (years ago) she’d recommend carrying on with PGS.  I know the head embryologist will say it’s ultimately our decision, and of course it is.

Can I have a show of hands anyway from my faithful readers?  What would YOU do??

Dashing off to painting class now, and party prep consuming the rest of my time, so I’ll be back with an update and maybe a pic of me blowing out my forty candles, later next week.  And maybe a photo of me surviving mother’s day on Sunday with a house full of camped-overnight mothers and their small children.

Lord, give me strength.

I will be thinking, on Mother’s Day, of all those of you whose children have not yet been made flesh, or were born and left too early.  And sending any surplus strength your way.

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