Happy Easter break

I was planning on saying Happy Easter to my dear friends on the lounge place forum I frequent, but sadly the site appears to be down, so instead, I am wishing you all a very pleasant break from here.  Wishing the same to all my other friends who visit me here, also.

My folks are having their housewarming party on Saturday, but DH and I are going over there tonight after (his) work.  I’ll bake an Easter cake and some hot cross buns tomorrow and help shift some furniture around, while we await the descending of the crowd.  
This week’s 12-step focus was boundaries.  Whoo boy.  I have become more aware recently just how fuzzy my emotional boundaries are with my family, and how I take on a great deal of their emotional stuff.  So this weekend is all about practicing saying no to that.  I’m particularly reluctant to stand up for myself where my Mum is concerned, finding it ‘easier’ to smile and nod.  I don’t want her ire directed towards me, if I tell her I don’t want to hear her complaining, but really what is happening is that I end up taking all the crappy feelings on and feeling just as bad as she did when she began.  She, of course, gets to feel a little bit better because she’s just offloaded a whole heap of stuff my way.  She doesn’t feel totally fine though, because what hasn’t happened is her taking any responsibility for changing the way things are, or accepting them if she can’t change them.
Anyway, all I can really do is let my family know I am practicing developing healthy emotional boundaries, that I’m not very good at it yet, and while I am still a beginner it would be helpful if I could excuse myself from listening to their problems until such time as I can do so without feeling like I am taking the negativity on board.  Wish me luck in ‘Part One of Shedding the Caretaker Role’!
Today has been surprisingly relaxing, I’m pretty much all packed and ready to go apart from the esky, and the laptop.  There’s even time to do some inner child exercises and my meditation before DH gets home, so I’d better not waste it tooling around the innernet….
P.S. – my saffron crocus (x6) have sprouted.  I am VERY excited.  [Must remember to re-set the vermin traps before I leave this afternoon].
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