IVF #6 Egg collection and fert. report

Well we only retrieved two eggs, but both of them fertilised (without ICSI), so phew for that.  Our May egg collection cycle yielded one embryo, which was frozen at day 2.  We plan to thaw it tomorrow, and grow all three to day 5 (with any luck!) and then biopsy them for PGS.  If we get a normal, this will be frozen for use in M’s womb next April or May.  (According to the embryologist is it fine to thaw and refreeze, even a couple of times).  I am really praying we get ONE normal.  We will know by next Tuesday-ish.

Meanwhile we have succeeded in booking appointments with the clin. psych, but it has ended up being with a guy in Perth.  Turns out (after a lot of back and forth with the RTC) that we do ALL need to have one session together before the psych writes a report, and as it is easier for us to come to Perth than for M and S to trek down to our place, we’ve gone with their chap.  This means we will have done five round trips to Perth in the 8 weeks up to 20th Dec.  It also means that our application package won’t be in to the RTC before the end of the year.  Whatever.  We’ve done our best.  What it (hopefully) does mean is that we will have fulfilled our requirements, and apart from chasing up the clinic to make sure they pass the application to the RTC as soon as they receive the psych report (probably mid-Jan), our parts are done by Christmas, and we can have a well earned REST.

Now: grow, embies, grow!!

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