IVF#6 cycle day 12

Egg collection is scheduled for 7am Thursday, which means I trigger tonight at 8pm – whoo hoo!  All my other triggers I have had to wait up until midnight to inject, so I am very pleased with the 8pm slot.  I asked the nurse co-ordinator how they choose who goes where on the surgery list and she told me it is to do with how mature the eggs are and what your oestrogen level is, and those about to ‘pop’ go first.  So it means my eggs are nice and ripe!  In all the excitement I forgot to ask what my oestrogen level was.  Oh well.  I might ask Dr T on Thursday if I remember.

I am feeling like a whale.  I managed to lose all three kilos that I gained over the 3 back-to-back IVF cycles and shingles incident that went from April to late August, and before I started this cycle I was just down to 50 kilos (110 pounds).  I seem to have put on a kilo over the past week, which only makes me 51 kilos (112.5 pounds), but I feel like an elephant.  My clothes still fit the same, it’s just that I feel like I am bursting out of my skin.  The awful IVF bloat.  That and not having been able to do any exercise for the past 3, almost 4 weeks.  I just feel gross.  Next Tuesday it’s back to the gym with a vengeance!

We are still struggling to get our psych appointment sorted out.  The chap we want to use is not qualified (has to be a clin. psych, not a registered psych) and the one who is qualified doesn’t work on a Monday, so DH would have to swap patients around again – which isn’t the end of the world, it’s just that he’s done a lot of it lately and it feel like it’s asking a bit much.  I wonder what all the receptionist staff are thinking!  It has also taken about three or four calls and emails to the R.T.C. just to get this far in the process.  His latest plan is to see if there is a clin. psych in our town.  He thinks one of them is a clin., and that she’s not taking any more patients but might do him a favour.  I hope so.  Then if she says yes, we have to do more phone calls to the RTC to ask their permission to use her.  Sigh.

God, the amount of travel we have done lately for all of this is insane.  Those two weeks on ‘holiday’ were pretty crazy, and now DH has to drive up (3hrs) after work Wednesday, give his ‘donation’ Thursday morning and drop me back here after theatre, (I’ll stay in Perth for the weekend taking it easy) then drive home (3hrs) and then drive back up on Sunday (3hrs) so we can see the lawyer on Monday (another hour drive further North of the city) and then we have to drive back Monday afternoon (3-4hrs) so he can do a theatre list on Tuesday in Bunbury (another 2 hr round trip).  Let’s all put it out there for one less appointment we have to drive to, and we can see the psych in our hometown.

I’m not sure if I mentioned that I am booked in to a 10 day silent meditation retreat from the 24th December to the 3rd of January.  I am SO looking forward to that complete and utter rest!

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