Day whatever – cycle cancelled

Sorry for the delay on an update.  No internet connection available where I was staying.  I’ll jump straight into the bad news I’ve kept you waiting for:
Day 12 E2 levels for donor were 25,800 (yes, twenty five thousand eight hundred), so there was just no way the doctor was going to let her trigger, and that was that.

And what are the chances of overstimming to such dangerous levels as to potentially cause OHSS, hospitalisation and death?  Um, about 1%.  Sigh. I should know by now that I do 1% (if the possibility of something is shit) extremely well, so I guess I’m not too surprised that anything connected with my attempts to have a child went down that all-too-common path.

I, on the other hand, had E2 levels of less than one hundred and fifty. (!WTF?) So they couldn’t even just keep me going on to a fresh egg collection.  I am not sure why my new doctor tried me with Puregon this cycle, when Gonal F worked well for me on my other two cycles.  But he did, and this is what happened, and such is life.  Of course, he’ll put me back on Gonal next time…

Thankfully my donor is willing to give it another go, in the next school holidays, which will be from July 2nd-19th.  Meanwhile, back on the pill.  Oh what fun.

So now we wait for the bills to roll in, and we can pay for the hormonal nightmare and general inconvenience with nothing to show for it.  Not even a chance at something.

Not a winner this time.  Thanks for playing.

The good news is: I can be rest assured I won’t be having a miscarriage for my 40th birthday party.

ETA: Also?  Facebook friends? “Keep your chin up, it’ll happen” is probably the most annoying thing I could hear right now.  Thanks for thinking of me though.

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